What we offer
Following is an estimate of our fees, keep in mind, this is an estimate.
Very basic tax returns start at $85 – this is a W2(s) only tax return.*
Tax returns range from $155 to $185 for most of our clients.*
Sole Proprietorship tax returns start at $200*
Rental Property tax returns start at $200*
Farm tax returns start at $200*
Dependents tax return starts at $45*
Filing for just the homeowners or renters refund and we have already filed your income tax return $45*
Filing for just the homeowners or renters and we did not file your income tax return… $50*
*The above estimates are….estimates. The actual cost of a tax return is calculated when the tax return is completed.
Of course I need to tell you what you get, so here it goes:
- A prepared and electronically filed Federal and state income tax return.
- Tax returns are reviewed by a second person before being electronically filed for a variety of errors including data entry and reasonableness compared to the prior year.
- We offer over 60 cumulative years of tax experience at our office. This helps you to know that we know what we are doing and we will be around tomorrow when you need us. Our office prepares over 2,300 tax returns every year.
- We take continuing education classes every year, not only do we take the minimum education requirements the IRS requires, we go beyond that and take up to 3 times what the IRS requires each year. This is done to make sure we are up to date on all IRS tax updates, changes and requirements. I want to make sure the staff at this office gives you a quality product and they are qualified to work with you.
- We are open all year round. During the tax season we are open Monday through Friday from 10 am to 8 pm, and Saturday we are open 10am to 5pm. During the off season we are open 3 or 4 days a week for a few hours each day.
- We are available to you all year round by Facebook, email, phone calls, texting, in person, or if you are old school, by mail.
- We are a family owned and mostly family operated business. When you call or come by, you will either talk with someone in the family or someone who has been around so long, they are considered family.
- We offer a variety of ways for you to have your tax return prepared. You can make an appointment to come in and do your tax return, you can mail in your documents or you can upload your documents to our secure website.
We offer discounts
Discounts offered off the total preparation fee for a Federal and State Income tax returns.
- New Client Discount $15 Off – Can not have been a client in the past
- Retiree Discount $25 – For clients 65 and older, both taxpayer’s need to be retired.
- Competitors Coupons up to $30 – We accept competitors coupons
- Law Enforcement $25
- Firefighter Discount $25
- EMT Discount $25
- Military Discount $25 – Currently serving in the military
The above discounts only apply to having both the Federal and Minnesota Individual Income Taxes prepared and paid for at our office and does not include the renters, homeowners or the very basic type of tax return. One discount per tax return fee.
Thank you so much for stopping by!